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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday June 15th Fathers Day

What a wonderful Father's Day today. Still slowing introducing people to Madeline. Understanding the importance of a routine, especially when we are not in a routine. This is the best thing we have ever done. I love you Madeline and I love you Precious. Jim

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wednesday June 4 - Home 2 weeks

We have been home 2 weeks now. Trying to establish a routine. We have had both sides of the family over to the house for dinner, the Miyake’s and Downie’s. This went well as Madeline warmed up to each side and had fun playing. We are slowly trying to introduce her to our friends and will be meeting more and more of them in the coming weeks. Sorry if it is not fast enough for everyone. Madeline hasn’t even known us for a month yet.

Trying to introduce solid food to Madeline, for now it is fun just to play with although thumb rolled in cracker crumbs is an interesting taste. Abby is on a diet. Madeline enjoys playing in Abby’s water and food bowls. So, we have to put them both up and out of the way when Madeline is on the crawl. I have returned back to work. Way to soon. It is difficult leaving home knowing Madeline is there and I am not. I look forward to coming home and playing with her each night.

Thinking of Steve and Mary Ruef, and Ken and Eloise Dickey. Get well soon.