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Time in China

Time In Oregon

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

We have been home for a week!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
We have been officially home for one week. We woke up this morning and looked at each other and said that we are so glad that we are home! Yay!!
Maddy is doing so well. She is crawling everywhere around the house, exploring and discovers something new every day! Madeline is very tactile she loves to touch everything and examine it. She is cooing, babbling and imitates us very well. Some of our favorite imitations so far are that she growls like a dog and scrunches up her nose and sniffs. This is because she saw me using saline spray everyday in China. She is so adorable and she has captured our hearts and we love her more and more every day. Her molars are coming in so she is very tired and a little cranky right now but other than that she is adjusting well or as far as we know anyways.
Well, basically after trying to recover from jet lag, the overwhelming responsibilities of parenting and sleep deprivation I went shopping for Madeline’s spring wardrobe yesterday as I completely underestimated her clothes size and we had no clothes that were the right size. (This was an unintentional ploy that worked in my favor Hee..Hee..=) According to her paperwork from China, she would be wearing 18 month old clothes. Instead, she is so petite that she wears size 12 month clothes comfortably and they are even a tad too big. She will be wearing her 18 month old clothes next year! Wow, she is all set to go and that is thanks to all of you. Jim stayed with Madeline while I went to Babies R Us and it was a nice break for me to get out of the house. I purchased a couple of adorable outfits for Uncle Justin’s wedding as well.
We have introduced Madeline to her car seat, high chair and baby food. Today, she sat in the high chair for the first time and threw pears all over the place. It was funny. Her favorite activity though is splashing around in Abby’s dog bowl.
Tomorrow we are off to have Maddy’s blood drawn for labs so it should be an interesting experience. Then we are going to run some errands and then home to relax. Jim is going back to work on Friday so I will be with Maddy by myself for 5 weeks! Yikes! Luckily, I have a great support network and many people I can call when I am on the verge of tears. No, it will be fun and I know I won’t want to return to work but alas reality will set in the week before I am to return to work.
More updates to come….
Please pray for our family friend Ken Dickey and his family as he is ill and we wish him a speedy recovery and of course all of the victims of the earthquake and their families.


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